As a debtor, you have legal rights. The unexpected and unplanned events of life can lead to serious financial problems and debts that are out of control. Accidents and severe illness rack up huge
medical debt. Unemployment can result in being unable to pay loan debt. As a consumer, no matter what the circumstances of your debts are, you are entitled to certain protections.
• You have the right to retain a New York City debt collection defense attorney to represent you in matters of debt collection. Once you do so, written notification is sent to the collection agency and they may not contact you again after receipt of this notice.
• You have the right to an accurate credit report. In a 2009 study by the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups, credit report errors were found in an astounding 79% of all credit reports. 25% were serious enough to result in denial of credit.
• You have the right to see written verification of the debt they claim you owe. Even if you recognize the debt as being correct, it is wise to exercise this right. Once requested, the collection agency may not contact you about payment until they have provided documentation.
• You have the right to receive proper law suit notification. Process servers can often be unscrupulous. They have been known to lie in testimony and swear to affidavits that they have properly served notice to debtors. If you have failed to receive proper notification and we can prove this, we can aggressively sue the process server.
You have rights and you need to know them to insist upon them. When collection agencies, process servers, and others violate your rights we strongly urge you to take legal action against them. Please contact us
at Tariq Law, P.C. to assist you.
Always on your side.
Honesty at our core.
Pursuing the highest standards.