Stay informed on student loan laws, debt collection lawsuits, and borrower rights. Tariq Law PC breaks down legal updates, executive orders, and practical steps to protect your finances and fight back... ...more
Debt Defense ,FDCPA
March 27, 2025•4 min read
Your credit report should reflect accurate financial information, but what happens when errors that were previously removed suddenly reappear? ...more
FCRA ,Marketing &Credit Report
March 03, 2025•4 min read
Divorce is never just about emotions—it’s about finances, credit, and untangling years of shared responsibilities. Imagine this: Lisa and Mark, a New York couple in their early 40s, are finalizing the... ...more
FCRA ,Marketing &Credit Report
March 01, 2025•3 min read
For two years, Daniel Carter battled an invisible enemy—an error that wasn’t his own. Somewhere in the vast, tangled web of consumer credit data, a misplaced record had linked his financial history wi... ...more
FCRA ,Marketing &Credit Report
February 26, 2025•4 min read
Dealing with debt collectors can be overwhelming, but understanding your rights and how to respond can help you take control of the situation. At Tariq Law PC, we believe every consumer deserves to be... ...more
Debt Defense ,FDCPA Marketing &Credit Report
February 24, 2025•4 min read
Your credit report impacts almost every aspect of your financial life—from securing loans to landing your dream job. That’s why it’s vital to know your rights when it comes to your credit information. ...more
FCRA ,Marketing &Credit Report
February 18, 2025•2 min read
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